Latest Past Events

Group Session 7/18 7pm

Full hitting training, starts with a dynamic warm up. This is followed by hitting drills and specific exercises to improve movement which will help with our players overall swing and help them build their power. Time slots are in 30 minute increments First 30 will be composed of drills and strength work After the hitters […]


Group Session 7/18 6pm

Full hitting training, starts with a dynamic warm up. This is followed by hitting drills and specific exercises to improve movement which will help with our players overall swing and help them build their power. Time slots are in 30 minute increments First 30 will be composed of drills and strength work After the hitters […]


One on One Hitting 7/18 4:30pm

One hitting instruction. This is a more personalized session working on drills specific to the individuals needs and to help develop a game plan in the batters box. Time slots are 30 minutes long. Sessions are $45 a half hour You can either pay cash or venmo me @Thomas-Blood-3
